We promote cooperation in the field of higher education in Central Europe.

News & Events
CEEPUS Annual Report 2023
We are pleased to announce the release of our Annual Report for 2023, a remarkable year for CEEPUS as we celebrated the 30th anniversary of our program and witnessed the signing of the new CEEPUS Agreement. Browse the report to gain an overview of our best practice network performances, insights on key facts and figures, and enjoy some highlights from the signing ceremony in Warsaw. Press "Read more" to access the full report.
CEEPUS Ministers´ Prize Winner 2024
The CEEPUS network "Red de Hispanistas de Europa Centrale" was nominated by the National CEEPUS experts for the CEEPUS Ministers’ Prize 2024. The Prize has to be confirmed by the CEEPUS Joint Committee of Ministers and will be presented to the successful network coordinator at their next meeting in 2025. Congratulations!
Higher scholarships and new types of teacher mobility for stays in Hungary
Hungary has raised the CEEPUS scholarship rates for the 2024/2025 academic year, and re-introduced virtual (blended) mobilities for teachers. Access "read more ..." for additional infomation

Featured Cooperations
Conducting research within CEEPUS: Effective drug delivery systems for obesity treatment

Amina Tucak-Smajic, University of Graz/Austria© Eldar Nurkovic

Amina Tucak-Smajic, a pharmacist form Bosnia and Herzegovina, pursued part of the research for her PhD thesis at the University of Graz in Austria. Her exchange stay was partial support by a CEEPUS mobility scholarship. Her report stands as an outstanding example of collaboration within a sucessful CEEPUS network

"2019 to 2023, I had the extraordinary opportunity to spend approximately 10 months in Austria, where I conducted the entire experimental part of my thesis at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology & Biopharmacy.
My research focuses on the formulation and characterization of cationic nanostructured lipid carriers as drug delivery systems for microRNA, particularly miRNA-27a. This work is positioned at the intersection of nanotechnology and therapeutic strategies for treating and preventing obesity. What excites me most about this research is its potential impact on addressing a global health issue—obesity. By leveraging nanotechnology and microRNA, we aim to develop innovative approaches for more effective drug delivery systems. The prospect of contributing to advancements in obesity treatment is both intellectually stimulating and socially significant. This period in Austria marked my first encounter with cell culture laboratories, providing me with invaluable hands-on experience. I had the privilege of conducting my research on two distinct cell lines, broadening my understanding of cellular processes and experimental methodologies. Moreover, I gained access to state-of-the-art equipment dedicated to the formulation and characterization of lipid nanoparticles. This access not only facilitated the practical aspects of my research but also exposed me to cutting-edge technologies in the field."

The CEEPUS scholarship was awarded for the years 2022 and 2023, at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Graz within the framwork of the CEEPUS network "Central European Knowledge Alliance for Teaching, Learning & Research in Pharmaceutical Technology (CEKA PharmTech)"

PhD students attending the Regional Week in Social Work and Social Policy.jpg
Central European Social Policy and Social Work Network (CESPASWON)

PhD students at the “regional week” © Ss. Cyril und Methodius University in Skopje

Social work and social policy education has always provided important contribution to tsocieties. By producing professionals that are equipped for interventions that affect social welfare, social justice and social rights, we help to empower citizens to overcome social risks and social problems.

Given the large amount of pressing social needs and the limited amount of resources, there are benefits from uniting forces across neighboring countries and creating regional capacities for training and research in social work and social policy. Therefore, our main idea and goal is and was to build up on previously existing cooperation practices in the region (i.e. among ex-Yugoslav countries) and extend this links with new partners in Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. We established academic alliances among universities several years ago that can nurture, promote and advance the regional social work, social policy research and teaching methods.

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What our scholars have to say
Georgi Mladenov
Working on his master thesis in Sorpon (HU)
“My CEEPUS exchange exceeded my expectations. I managed to progress a lot with my thesis and to acquire new skills in the field of mathematics. I made great contacts both with lectures and students. I hope to welcome my colleagues from the University of Sopron in Ruse (BG) next semester.”
Dr. Gabriella Vöő
Exchange teacher in Olomouc
There was a large student turnout, the students were interested and they participated in the discussions. I had conversations with colleagues about academic and administrative matters and we also discussed possibilities for joint research projects in the future.
Milica Stankovic, PhD
Professor from Nis, Serbia
During my stay in Ljubljana, I had the opportunity to give lectures in the area of Circular Economy and global challenges. The multidisciplinarity of the topic contributed to a great result and an excellent discussion with students from study fields of biology, biotechnology, environmental protection and food technology on the topic of the circular economy. I am sure that this CEEPUS teaching mobility is the first step towards a future successful cooperation.

CEEPUS in numbers